Function1 and Crafter Software Partner to Deliver Innovative Digital Experience Solutions

We're thrilled to announce we're joining the Crafter Software ecosystem as an expert consulting and systems integration partner! This partnership brings together two industry-leaders with the goal to deliver complete digital experience solutions throughout the customer journey. We look forward to working with Crafter Software to provide innovative solutions...

Hippo, getting underway with this animal

Acquired by BloomReach in late 2016, Hippo exists today as an open-sourced CMS over at The community site over at onehippo is a great landing area for tutorials, documentation, and an active forum for discussions. Hippo can be seen as a viable open-source option for those shopping for choices; boasting a lasting and continuing development path, being java based, living now as an open-sourced...

Modern Customer Experiences: A Digital Conversation

When I began my career more than ten years ago, I used to think a successful project was deploying good code or executing all of the business requirements, but experience has since taught me that success is directly related to delivering the best possible customer service. Don’t get me wrong, writing good quality code and meeting business requirements are (and always should be) a priority, but delivering the best work with a poor experience to customers will unlikely have them calling for future opportunities.

I remember receiving training my first job at a Supermarket. We were...

What Non-EU Companies need to know about GDPR

A Disclaimer

I am no lawyer, but you probably already assumed this (I hope I hope I hope ... ). So, whatever you read here is informed by my own third party readings. However, you should definitely begin a dialogue with your legal team to determine if you are directly in this legislation's line of sight. By the end of this short post, you should be able to determine if you are in it's crosshair! Duck!

If you are first hearing about GDPR and your organization does most of its business primarily online and for the EU market then its probably a little late in the game (with the May 25...

Lessons Learned: Upgrading a Splunk Instance with No Downtime

Upgrading a single machine's instance of Splunk is easy. All we need to do is stop the instance, download either the .tar or the .rpm, and then either untar or yum install the package, restart Splunk, and voilà, we have an upgrade!



Updating a Splunk deployment of 30+ Splunk instances all at the...

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