Jon Reid
Area of Practice: Operational Intelligence, Area of Practice: Drupal
Location: Newfoundland, Canada |
Education: Assoc. Degree in Internet Application Development |
iOS or Android: Android
Jon and the Internet go way back. Working with Enterprise Portals ranging from the original Plumtree to WCI to SharePoint 2010, and even open source underdogs Liferay, Drupal and WordPress, Open source champion, JQuery enthusiast, art appreciator and devourer of books, Jon worked his way through college at a Bulgarian restaurant. Consulting his way across North America affords Jon plenty of opportunity to explore the cuisine, galleries and used book stores of the US and Canada.
When Jon is not working, he is hanging out with his family. Hiking the wilds of Newfoundland is a favorite activity. Jon is always reading a good book.
Why Function1?
I've known some of the people at Function1 for nearly a decade. It's been an awesome opportunity to work with them over the past few years. Great team, great experiences.