As you all may know, the AquaLogic BPM Studio 6.0 was built on top of the Eclipse platform. Because of this, many of the plugins that are available for Eclipse, can be used with ALBPM Studio. We created a video to show you how easy it is to use the automatic update feature of Eclipse to connect ALBPM with one of the more popular version control systems out there, Subversion ( In this video, we are installing a plugin called Subversive (...
Configuring ALBPM Enterprise Edition (WebLogic) with SQL Server
I recently ran into an issue with ALBPM 5.7 MP2 when it was deployed on Weblogic 9.2. The Engine would look like it started properly, but automatic activities within a process would not be executed. Upon closer review of the Engine Log, this error was seen:
An exception occurred while executing a transaction. Details: An error occurred while accesing the database. Technical detail: SQL statement: ' SELECT DUETIME, ID, PROCESSID, INSTID, THREADID, TSTAMP, TYPE, ACTIVITYNAME, ORIGINPROCESSDN, REALTHREADID, NETYPE, PRIORITY, LATER, DATA FROM PTODOITEMS WITH (ROWLOCK , UPDLOCK)...