Drupal 8 Theming - Debugging

How many times in Drupal 7 do you find yourself looking up the naming conventions for page or node templates? In Drupal 8 they've also added the ability to create templates per field! Yes, you can go to Google, run a search and start reading through the results, or you can enable Twig Debugging.First and foremost this is not the devel module. There isn't an external module to install either. In the sites/default/ directory you want to locate the "default.services.yml" file, duplicate it and rename to "services.yml". Within the newly created services file you want to paste the following...

Drupal 8 Theming - Layouts!

One of the great additions to Drupal 8 theming is the layouts file. Previously adding layout options to a Drupal 7 site required the Display Suite module, creating folders for each layout then creating 2-3 files per template option/folder. Now the DS module is still required, however the templating control is all within the theme, specifically the theme.layouts.yml file.

Each layout requires a minimum of 6 items:

  1. layout machine name
  2. layout ui label
  3. category template
  4. location
  5. css
  6. available regions:
    1. region machine name...

Drupal Coming Soon to a Phone Near You!

Happy new year everyone!  With the start of 2014 comes the much anticipated release of Drupal 8.  While the official release date hasn’t been determined yet, it is being marketed as the most customizable and adaptable release of Drupal. The following features has been included that are particularly aimed to help End users/clients: Authoring – using the Spark project to review what was currently available in the market for out of the box functionality, Drupal 8 will allow in line editing which can be used for...

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