Create a Vimeo Proxy Asset in WebCenter Sites

In a previous article, Sridhar discussed Proxy Assets and how they work in WebCenter Sites. For example, say your site has lots of video content from Vimeo. In the past, maybe you created a string attribute to hold the Vimeo id, and maybe you even went so far as to create an attribute editor or Contributor UI customization to embed the video preview...

Using External Content as native assets in WebCenter Sites

Is your organization leveraging videos in YouTube and embedding into organizations website via Video/Media assets?   Is your organization's press releases managed in different sites and displaying them in organization's website using iFrames?   Is your organization's product knowledge base articles managed in external sites and displayed on a product page?  Or perhaps your content contributors are recreating the content in Web Center Sites instead of just referring to the application service provider APIs?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then the new Oracle WebCenter Sites...

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