Content-as-a-Service: An Architecture for Evolution

Let's talk about AI! Why AI? Well, it's incredibly popular and trendy. An analogy can be made between AI and when Coco Chanel rid women of the corset fashion to a sportier, chicer outfit. Risqué, scary, unheard of, but oh so liberating and exciting!
If you have been living under a rock without internet connection or communication device, you might be wondering what AI (aka Artificial Intelligence) means. The best definition I could find is the following......
Over the last few years it has become common practice for websites to be responsive. Responsive design allows for the content of a website to respond to its environment or device. The picture above shows a series of common devices on which you might view a website. It is now the general standard for websites to be as easy to use on one of those devices as it is on any other device. In the past, when responsive design was not prevalent, it was common to find websites that did not adapt or respond to multiple devices.
As the Internet and access to the Internet evolves, the style and...