I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts!!!

A Campfire and a Scary Story

With All Hallows Eve aka Halloween fast approaching (my favorite made-up holiday of the year), I figured I would share a little tale of fright, mayhem, blood, and hair raising shrieks in the night... you know, to get you in a spooky mood. So, here goes nothin'... [The setting is night time around a camp fire in a dark wooded area] Once upon a time in quaint southern town, the home of a massive titan of web commerce, there was a web content management deployment with the name WebCenter Sites (WCS). About 3 or 4 months ago, WCS users were ecstatic as...

Year in Review: Function1's Most Popular Articles of 2016

It's the most wonderful time of the year - not because of the presents and the parties - but, the lists! I mean, who doesn't love lists (besides maybe The New Yorker)? So, we decided to put our analytics hats on and pull together our top 5 most widely-read posts of 2016. And, while our year in review might not be as much of an emotional rollercoaster as Google's ...

A Direct Migration of WordPress to Drupal 8

Migrations from WordPress to Drupal are required when customers are standardizing on Drupal to ease institutional IT staffing requirements, or they just want the many additional customization capabilities built into Drupal.  Here is how to migrate your WordPress data directly into Drupal 8 using the Migrate API.

Here is one workflow to get started quickly …

1.    Setup your D8 site (drupal-8-0-5) locally.  This blog post assumes your WP site is already setup on your local environment....

Anonymizing Data in Splunk


In this blog we'd like to discuss masking or obscuring data in Splunk.  We’ve had customers in the past ask us how to mask data at both search and index-time.  Usually this is to hide personally identifiable information either for security, compliance or both.  In this post we’ll cover several different approaches for doing this in Splunk and discuss some pros and cons.

For each of the approaches we will use the following sample data from a fictitious HR application:

sourcetype = hr_app
sample event = “This is an event with a sensitive number in it...

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