Red Hat Storage Server, an Innovative Hybrid Storage Solution for Big Data

Big Data surrounds us all, in some shape or form. Typically Big Data (billions or trillions of vast and complex records) is so large, that it requires new and powerful computational resources to process and store. These gigantic sets of data can be analyzed to comprehend patterns, associations, trends, and statistics that help better understand user experience, human behavior, interactions, engagement, etc.

Big Data analysis, such as the services offered by our Function1 Operational Intelligence team, can be provided for a range of industries including but not limited to: financial...

Anonymizing Data in Splunk


In this blog we'd like to discuss masking or obscuring data in Splunk.  We’ve had customers in the past ask us how to mask data at both search and index-time.  Usually this is to hide personally identifiable information either for security, compliance or both.  In this post we’ll cover several different approaches for doing this in Splunk and discuss some pros and cons.

For each of the approaches we will use the following sample data from a fictitious HR application:

sourcetype = hr_app
sample event = “This is an event with a sensitive number in it. SN=111-...

Risky Business

What’s a risk? How does one manage risks?  What is the best method to track risks for a project?  Is there a standard categorization to use?  What is the difference between a risk and an issue?  The list goes on and on.

Risk management can be tricky, but having some sort of process on how to manage risks for any project in your organization is extremely important.  Identifying, prioritizing and addressing risks for a project, is a fundamental principle that shouldn't be overlooked. If not properly addressed, it can result in slipped schedules, budget overruns, poor quality...

Drupal Hosting

We spend countless hours gathering requirements, documenting use cases, creating an intuitive user interface and design templates. We did our homework and the website site in the development environment is contemporary, insightful and responsive on all gadgets. The client scrutinizes the website on the test environment and we get a signoff and are ready to deploy the Drupal website on some hosting platform, pull the trigger and switch domains. Typically, the hosting platform question has already been answered and planned for in advance, verifying that the hosting vendor has a solid track...

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