Splunk Dashboard Development and an Intro to SideView Utils

(Image: Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

This is hopefully the first in a series of posts dealing with the joys of developing dashboards and apps in Splunk.  In this post, I’d like to highlight different development options and introduce SideView Utils.

The Case for Dashboards

Organizations use Splunk in a variety of ways.  Uses range from monitoring a specific application to gaining enterprise-wide insight into their operations.  Insight can be...

Best Practices for your Splunk Deployment: Indexer Performance

Function1 is a Professional Services Partner to Splunk.  We have gathered a wealth of experience in conducting dozens of consulting engagements in conjunction with Splunk PS, and now we want to share some of our Best Practices with you. The most common growth of a Splunk deployment starts from a utility used by your Systems Administrator to find that needle in the haystack issue,  and grows to an enterprise scale reporting tool used by the leaders of your organization.  Splunk as an enterprise platform is typically situated in a very prominent place in the decision-making process of your...

Is your Organization Operationally Intelligent?

Data over here, Data over there, Data everywhere...

We live in an an age where there is probably more data compiled about a newborn child in it's first 1yr of life than was compiled about their great grand parent in their entire lives! Imagine collecting health data for the nearly 4.25M kids that are born in the US a year and then doing absolutely nothing with it. No studies on mortality rates, no studies on child development, no alerts on outbreaks effecting this new population...Nada. Preposterous? Yup. Ludicrous? U huh. Down right dumb? "It is decidedly so". Well...

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