Upgrading a single machine's instance of Splunk is easy. All we need to do is stop the instance, download either the .tar or the .rpm, and then either untar or yum install the package, restart Splunk, and voilà, we have an upgrade!
Lessons Learned: Upgrading a Splunk Instance with No Downtime
Posted by Karthik Subramanian
on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 - 08:35
Best Practices, Operational Intelligence Splunk, Splunk 6.x, Splunk 7.x, installation, Upgrade, Best Practices, Tips and Tricks

Splunking The Billboard Hot 100 with help from the Spotify API
Posted by Karthik Subramanian
on Wednesday, November 1, 2017 - 11:53
Operational Intelligence music, Splunk 6.x, Operational Intelligence, Python, Spotify, Billboard, Data Trends, Data Science

There's a lot of data out there and once we put it into Splunk, there's a lot of interesting information we can pull out of it, so why not have a trip down memory lane and see what sort of songs pop up when going through the Billboard Hot 100 charts from now back to 2000?
First, I found a scraper for the data - thank you Allen Guo for your Billboard charts scraper - and output the data in this format:
date | title | artist | weeks | delta | current | peak | previous | spotifyID
I did so with this python...
Introducing the Bloodhound App for Splunk
Posted by Rupak Pandya
on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 - 09:35
Operational Intelligence Splunk 6.x, Splunk Apps, Splunk App, Cool Tools, Operational Intelligence, Bloodhound

Moving? Don’t leave anything behind...
Posted by Rupak Pandya
on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 - 11:51
Operational Intelligence Knowledge Objects, Splunk 6.3, Splunk 6.x, REST API, Lookups, macros, saved searches, event types, data models

My client was creeping up on their massive Splunk infrastructure migration to all new hardware and they wanted a quick and simple way to be sure that the knowledge objects in their environment were migrated successfully and nothing important was left behind.
I suggested a solution that would utilize the various REST API searches that are available to gather this information and present it in a simple way.
We came up with a list of the knowledge objects and other important items they had in their environment. We ended up starting with the...