How to Create a Custom Dojo Tab in the Contributor UI

In this blog, I would like to show how to create a custom left navigation pane in contributor UI for 11g. As the name suggests, navigation panes are used to show trees or navigation hierarchy for assets within a site.
To create a new navigation pane, we will, first need to extend the LeftNaviagtionConfig element. This element can be found here:
Copy content of this element into a new CSElement. For this example, create the following element.
CustomElements/<your site name>/...
WebCenter Sites Dojo Tips & Tricks
Posted by David Chesebro on Tuesday, August 30, 2016 - 13:57 Cool Tools Oracle WebCenter Sites,, 11g, dojo, contributor UI, Customizations, UI Customize, Development
WebCenter Sites allows you to customize the UI in many ways. Much of the UI is rendered using Dojo, but very little of WCS's Dojo APIs are documented. Here are a few simple Dojo code snippets that may be of use to you:
Display Info, Warning, or Error messages
The WebCenter Sites developer guide describes how to display an "info" message (the green message pictured above), but you can also display warning (yellow) and error (red) messages:
var view = SitesApp.getActiveView(); // the active view (AKA the current tab)"OK Message."); // display...